Hipertension Pulmonar Chile

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Liquefied Natural Gas Agreement

Publicado el 10/3/2022

Liquefied natural gas (LNG) is a natural gas that has been cooled to minus 162 degrees Celsius (-260 degrees Fahrenheit) so that it forms a liquid. This process reduces the volume of the gas by a factor of 600, making it more economical to transport and store. Because of this, LNG has become an important part of the global energy mix, particularly in regions where natural gas is abundant but pipelines are lacking.

One of the key components of the LNG supply chain is the liquefaction facility, where natural gas is transformed into LNG. These facilities are highly specialized and expensive, requiring significant investment from both public and private entities. As a result, LNG agreements are often complex and involve multiple parties.

Recently, one such agreement was signed between Qatar Petroleum, the world`s largest LNG producer, and Chiyoda Corporation and TechnipFMC, two major engineering and construction firms. The agreement is for the construction of four LNG mega-trains, or liquefaction units, at the North Field East project in Qatar. This expansion will increase Qatar`s LNG production capacity by 33%, from 77 million to 110 million tons per year.

The North Field East project is one of the largest LNG projects in the world and involves the development of a new offshore gas field, as well as the construction of new LNG trains and associated infrastructure. The project is seen as a major boost to Qatar`s economy and will create thousands of jobs.

The LNG produced at the North Field East project will be exported to customers around the world, including in Asia and Europe. LNG is increasingly being used as a cleaner alternative to coal and oil in power generation, as well as in transportation.

From an SEO perspective, it is important to note that LNG is a highly competitive industry, with many countries and companies vying for market share. As such, news of major LNG agreements and projects can have significant implications for the global energy market, as well as for investors and stakeholders.

In conclusion, the liquefied natural gas agreement signed between Qatar Petroleum, Chiyoda Corporation, and TechnipFMC for the North Field East project is a significant development in the LNG industry. As the world looks to transition to cleaner and more sustainable forms of energy, LNG will likely play an increasingly important role, making developments like this one all the more important to watch.

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