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Agreement on Social Security Upsc

Publicado el 24/7/2022

As a copy editor with SEO experience, I would like to shed light on the topic of “Agreement on Social Security UPSC.”

Social security, in simple terms, refers to a government program designed to provide financial and other forms of assistance to those who are retired, disabled, or unable to work due to medical or other reasons. In India, social security is managed by the Employees` Provident Fund Organization (EPFO), which offers a variety of financial schemes and benefits to Indian workers.

Now, moving towards the topic of Agreement on Social Security UPSC, it is an agreement signed between India and other countries to provide social security benefits to Indian workers who are employed overseas. This agreement comes under the purview of the Universal Social Security Coverage (USSC) initiated by the Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government of India, to provide social security cover to all workers in the country, including those working in the unorganized sector.

The UPSC is the Union Public Service Commission, which is a constitutional body that conducts competitive exams for various civil services in India. The agreement on Social Security UPSC is relevant to civil service aspirants who are planning to work abroad or are interested in the policies and schemes related to social security.

It is essential to mention that the Agreement on Social Security UPSC is not a new development. India has signed such agreements with various countries, including Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, Japan, the Netherlands, Norway, Switzerland, and more.

The Agreement on Social Security UPSC is designed to benefit Indian workers employed in the above-mentioned countries by ensuring that their social security entitlements are protected. It aims to eliminate the possibility of workers facing double social security deductions and other complications while working abroad.

As a professional, I would like to emphasize the importance of providing relevant and accurate information to readers. The topic of social security is vast and can be challenging to understand for those who are not familiar with the technicalities. Hence, it is crucial to simplify the information and present it in a way that is easy to understand, yet informative.

In conclusion, the Agreement on Social Security UPSC is an essential policy initiative for Indian workers employed abroad. Aspirants preparing for civil service exams must be aware of this agreement and its relevance to the larger social security framework in India. I hope this article sheds some light on the topic and provides useful information to those interested in understanding social security policies.

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