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Athene Funding Agreement Backed Notes

Publicado el 22/7/2022

Athene Funding Agreement Backed Notes: An Introduction

Athene Funding Agreement Backed Notes, also known as FAB Notes, are a type of investment product offered by Athene Holding Ltd, a leading provider of retirement savings products. These notes are a form of debt security that are issued by Athene to investors, and they are backed by the company`s funding agreements with policyholders.

In this article, we will discuss the key features of Athene FAB Notes, their pros and cons, and how they can be used in an investment portfolio.

Key Features of Athene FAB Notes

Athene FAB Notes have several key features that make them unique from other types of investment products. Here are some of the key features:

- Backed by Funding Agreements: Athene FAB Notes are backed by funding agreements between Athene and policyholders. These agreements provide a stream of payments to Athene, which are used to pay the interest and principal on the notes.

- High Yield: Athene FAB Notes offer a higher yield than most other fixed-income investment products. They are designed to provide investors with a high level of income, while still maintaining a relatively low level of risk.

- Diversification: Athene FAB Notes can be used to diversify an investment portfolio. They are not correlated with the stock market, which means that they can help to reduce the overall risk of an investment portfolio.

- Credit Risk: Athene FAB Notes are rated by credit rating agencies, and their credit risk is considered to be moderate. However, investors should be aware of the credit risk associated with these notes, and should carefully evaluate the creditworthiness of Athene before investing.

Pros and Cons of Athene FAB Notes

Like any investment product, Athene FAB Notes have their pros and cons. Here are some of the key advantages and disadvantages of these notes:


- High Yield: Athene FAB Notes offer a high yield, which can be attractive to investors who are looking for income-producing investments.

- Diversification: Athene FAB Notes can be used to diversify an investment portfolio, which can help to reduce overall risk.

- Relatively Low Risk: Athene FAB Notes are considered to be relatively low-risk, compared to other types of fixed-income investments.


- Credit Risk: Athene FAB Notes are not risk-free. Investors should carefully evaluate the creditworthiness of Athene before investing.

- Lack of Liquidity: Athene FAB Notes are not traded on a public exchange, which means that they are less liquid than other types of investments.

- Interest Rate Risk: Athene FAB Notes are subject to interest rate risk, which means that if interest rates rise, the value of these notes may decline.

How to Use Athene FAB Notes in an Investment Portfolio

Athene FAB Notes can be used in an investment portfolio to provide a high level of income and diversification. They are best suited for investors who are looking for fixed-income investments that offer higher yields than traditional bonds.

Investors should carefully evaluate their risk tolerance and investment goals before investing in Athene FAB Notes. It is also important to carefully evaluate the creditworthiness of Athene and to understand the risks associated with these notes.


Athene FAB Notes are a unique and relatively low-risk investment product that offer a high level of income and diversification. They are best suited for investors who are looking for fixed-income investments that offer higher yields than traditional bonds. However, investors should carefully evaluate the creditworthiness of Athene and the risks associated with these notes before investing.

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