Hipertension Pulmonar Chile

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Board Resolution for Authority to Execute Agreement

Publicado el 28/10/2022

A board resolution for authority to execute an agreement is a crucial step in ensuring that a business agreement is legally binding and enforceable. It is a formal document that authorizes an individual or group of individuals to sign a legally binding contract on behalf of a company.

What is a Board Resolution for Authority to Execute Agreement?

A board resolution for authority to execute agreement is a written document that authorizes one or more officers of a corporation to enter into a binding agreement with another party. This resolution is typically passed by the company`s board of directors or its executive committee, granting the power to execute agreements to specific officers or employees of the company.

Why is Board Resolution for Authority to Execute Agreement Important?

Without a board resolution for authority to execute agreement, a contract signed by an unauthorized employee may not be legally binding. This can potentially result in a costly legal dispute. A board resolution for authority to execute agreement helps to ensure that the company is protected against such disputes and helps to determine the individuals authorized to sign contractual agreements on behalf of the organization.

What Should be Included in Board Resolution for Authority to Execute Agreement?

A board resolution for authority to execute agreement should include the following information:

1. The date the resolution was approved by the board of directors or executive committee.

2. The names of the officers or employees authorized to sign agreements on behalf of the company.

3. The specific types of agreements that authorized signatories can execute. This may include contracts for the purchase of goods or services, employment agreements, or lease agreements.

4. The limits of the signatories` authority to execute agreements, including monetary limits, geographic limits, and any other restrictions deemed necessary by the company.

5. Any other relevant details, such as the specific parties with whom the company can enter into agreements, and the time period during which the resolution is valid.

SEO Considerations for Board Resolution for Authority to Execute Agreement

To ensure that your board resolution for authority to execute agreement is search engine optimized, consider including relevant keywords in the title and body of your article. Additionally, use clear and concise language throughout your article and break up long paragraphs for easier reading.


In conclusion, a board resolution for authority to execute agreement is an essential legal document that authorizes specific individuals to sign legally binding contracts on behalf of a company. It helps to protect the organization from costly legal disputes and ensures that contractual obligations are met. Companies must ensure that their board resolution for authority to execute agreement is correctly drafted, properly executed, and kept up to date.

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