Hipertension Pulmonar Chile

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Debt Agreement Reform Act

Publicado el 27/11/2022

The Debt Agreement Reform Act: What You Need to Know

If you are struggling with debt, you may have heard about the Debt Agreement Reform Act (DARA). This legislation was passed in 2019 to provide better protection for individuals who enter into debt agreements with their creditors.

Under the previous laws, debtors who entered into a debt agreement could face penalties and even bankruptcy if they missed payments or failed to comply with the terms of the agreement. This system was often unfair and punitive, especially for those who were already struggling to make ends meet.

The DARA aims to change this by introducing a more flexible and compassionate approach to debt agreements. The key changes under the DARA are:

1. More protection for debtors

Under the DARA, debtors are protected from being forced into bankruptcy if they are unable to meet the terms of their debt agreement. Instead, they are given the option to renegotiate the agreement or seek other forms of assistance.

2. Greater flexibility in debt agreements

The DARA allows for more flexibility in debt agreements, so that debtors can adjust their repayment plans as their circumstances change. For example, if you experience a sudden loss of income, you can negotiate with your creditor to lower your payments until you are back on your feet.

3. Greater transparency in debt agreements

Under the DARA, debtors are entitled to receive clear and concise information about their debt agreement, including the fees and charges associated with it. This ensures that debtors are fully informed before they enter into an agreement and can make informed decisions about their finances.

Overall, the Debt Agreement Reform Act has been welcomed by many as a positive step towards greater fairness and compassion for debtors. If you are struggling with debt, it is important to seek professional advice and explore your options under the new legislation.

Remember, there is no shame in seeking help to manage your finances. By taking proactive steps to address your debt, you can regain control of your finances and work towards a brighter future.

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