Hipertension Pulmonar Chile

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Retention Agreement Real Estate

Publicado el 9/3/2022

When it comes to real estate, a retention agreement is a legal document that outlines the terms of an agreement between the buyer and the seller. Specifically, it allows the seller to retain a certain amount of control over their property even after it has been sold.

One common reason for a retention agreement is when a seller wants to retain mineral rights on their property. This is especially common in areas where mineral resources such as oil or gas are present. By retaining the mineral rights, the seller may benefit financially if those resources are ever mined on the property.

Another reason for a retention agreement is when a seller wants to retain the right to use the property for a specific purpose, such as farming or hunting. In this type of agreement, the buyer agrees to allow the seller to continue using the property for a specific purpose for a set amount of time.

From a buyer’s perspective, it`s important to carefully review any retention agreement before signing on the dotted line. The agreement may have a significant impact on the buyer`s ability to use the property as they see fit. For example, if the seller retains mineral rights, the buyer may not be able to mine for oil or gas themselves.

It`s also important for both parties to ensure that the retention agreement is enforceable. This means that it should be clearly written and contain specific language that outlines the terms of the agreement. It`s wise to seek legal advice before finalizing any retention agreement to ensure that it is legally binding.

In conclusion, retention agreements can be an important tool in real estate transactions. They allow sellers to retain certain rights to their property even after it has been sold. Buyers should carefully review any retention agreement before signing and ensure that it is enforceable. With proper attention to detail, retention agreements can be a valuable addition to any real estate transaction.

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