Hipertension Pulmonar Chile

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Sample Employee Stock Option Agreement

Publicado el 11/4/2021

They were granted an option to acquire shares of Navarre Corporation, pursuant to the terms of the amended and amended 2004 share plan, as amended from time to time (the “Plan”) and the Unqualified Stock Options Agreement (the “agreement” below). If a person or person other than you is informed of the exercise of this option, the presentation of reasonable proof of that person`s right to exercise this option is required for the exercise of this option. 5.2 Payment by stock tender. If you pay all or part of the total price through a share exchange exercise, you can make this delivery by providing proof of economic ownership of these shares instead of physical delivery. The company accepts such a delivery by certificate as payment and deducts the same number of shares from the number of option shares issued during the year. 10.3 Full agreement. This agreement and plan define the entire agreement and understanding of the parties regarding the granting and exercise of this option and the management of the plan, and have replaced all previous agreements, agreements, plans and agreements regarding the granting and exercise of this option and the management of the plan. 5.1 As paid. At the time of the exercise, you must consider Merrill Lynch in terms of the proceeds of the exercise price and the number of option shares purchased.

The authorized payment methods are: (i) cash (by bank transfer to Merrill Lynch); (ii) a personal cheque or a certified or banked cashier`s cheque153s payable to Merrill Lynch; (iii) allow Merrill Lynch to sell only enough underlying shares to cover the exercise price, control and fees (cash holding); (iv) allow Merrill Lynch to sell all the underlying shares and deliver the proceeds, net of taxes and fees, or to your Merrill Lynch account (scriptural sale); or (v) the auction of common shares that you own for at least six months, with a value on the year date corresponding to the exercise price, taxes and deners (share exchange exercise). 4.3 Share issue. Certificates that declare ownership of the shares of the common stock acquired in each exercise of this option are issued as soon as possible.

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