Hipertension Pulmonar Chile

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Subject Verb Agreement Predicate Noun

Publicado el 20/11/2021

Subject-verb agreement and predicate nouns are two essential components of grammar that need to be mastered for effective communication. These concepts are crucial in forming grammatically correct sentences that convey the intended meaning. In this article, we will discuss subject-verb agreement and predicate nouns in detail.

Subject-verb agreement refers to the rule that a singular subject should be paired with a singular verb, and a plural subject should be paired with a plural verb. For example:

- The boy runs. (singular subject and verb)

- The boys run. (plural subject and verb)

This rule is crucial in avoiding confusion in your writing. Incorrect subject-verb agreement can lead to unclear sentences that may be challenging for readers to understand.

Predicate nouns, on the other hand, are nouns that follow a linking verb and rename or explain the subject. For example:

- Sarah is a doctor. (The linking verb “is” connects the subject “Sarah” with the predicate noun “doctor.”)

- The cake smells delicious. (The linking verb “smells” connects the subject “cake” with the predicate noun “delicious.”)

It is important to note that predicate nouns can be singular or plural, depending on their relationship with the subject.

For instance, in the sentence “The team is ready,” the predicate noun “ready” agrees with the singular subject “team.” However, in the sentence “The players are ready,” the plural predicate noun “ready” agrees with the plural subject “players.”

Here are some tips to help you master subject-verb agreement and predicate nouns:

- Identify the subject and the verb in the sentence.

- Determine if the subject is singular or plural.

- Use the appropriate form of the verb that agrees with the subject.

- Identify the linking verb, if any, in the sentence.

- Determine the predicate noun that follows the linking verb.

- Ensure that the predicate noun agrees with the subject in number.

In conclusion, subject-verb agreement and predicate nouns are fundamental aspects of grammar that you need to be familiar with as a writer. By mastering these concepts, you can create clear and concise sentences that effectively convey your message. Remember to pay attention to the subject and verb in your sentences and to use the appropriate form of the verb that agrees with the subject. Similarly, pay attention to predicate nouns and ensure that they agree with the subject in number. With practice, you can become proficient in subject-verb agreement and predicate nouns, and enhance the clarity and effectiveness of your writing.

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