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Why Did Smithsonian Agreement Failed to Salvage the Bretton Woods System

Publicado el 23/5/2022

The Smithsonian Agreement is a significant event in the history of world finance and economic systems. This agreement, which was signed in 1971, aimed to salvage the Bretton Woods system, which was in crisis. The Bretton Woods system was a monetary system created after World War II, which established the U.S. dollar as the world`s reserve currency. This system was established with the aim of promoting international trade and economic growth. However, the Bretton Woods system began to experience difficulties, which led to its eventual collapse. One of the major events that contributed to the collapse of the Bretton Woods system was the failure of the Smithsonian Agreement to salvage it.

The Smithsonian Agreement aimed to address the challenges facing the Bretton Woods system. These challenges included a decline in the value of the U.S. dollar, which was the currency used to back the system, and an increase in inflation in the United States. The agreement, which was signed by major world economic powers, including the United States, Japan, and European countries, aimed to devalue the U.S. dollar and revalue other currencies. This was expected to restore balance to the international monetary system.

However, the Smithsonian Agreement failed to achieve its intended goals. The agreement was unable to address the fundamental challenges facing the Bretton Woods system. The devaluation of the U.S. dollar did not solve the problem of inflation in the United States. Additionally, other countries were hesitant to revalue their currencies, which undermined the effectiveness of the agreement.

Another challenge facing the Smithsonian Agreement was the changing economic landscape. The agreement was signed at a time when there were rapid changes in the global economy, particularly the rise of new economic powers, such as Japan. These economic powers had different priorities and interests, which made it difficult to maintain the Bretton Woods system.

Furthermore, the Smithsonian Agreement was unable to address the structural issues underlying the Bretton Woods system. The system was based on the assumption that the United States would always be able to maintain a surplus in its balance of payments, which would enable it to back the system with gold. However, this assumption proved to be incorrect, as the United States began to experience deficits in its balance of payments.

In conclusion, the failure of the Smithsonian Agreement to salvage the Bretton Woods system was due to a combination of factors, including the inability of the agreement to address the fundamental challenges facing the system, the changing economic landscape, and structural issues underlying the system. Despite the failure of the Smithsonian Agreement, its legacy continues to shape the global economic system, as it highlighted the need for greater international cooperation and coordination in the management of the world`s economy.

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