Hipertension Pulmonar Chile

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Wto Regional Trade Agreement Database

Publicado el 8/11/2022

The World Trade Organization (WTO) is an international organization that regulates and promotes global trade. One of its key roles is to facilitate negotiations and agreements between member states on various trade-related issues.

One such area of focus is regional trade agreements (RTAs), which are agreements between two or more countries to reduce trade barriers within their respective regions. These agreements can cover a range of topics such as tariffs, quotas, and investment rules.

To help researchers and policymakers navigate this complex landscape, the WTO has developed a regional trade agreement database. This database is a comprehensive and up-to-date resource that provides information on RTAs around the world.

The WTO`s RTA database contains information on over 300 RTAs that have been notified to the organization since 1948. The database is updated regularly to ensure that the information it contains is accurate and current.

The database provides a wealth of information on each RTA, including its scope, coverage, and membership. It also includes information on the various provisions contained in each agreement, such as rules on customs procedures, intellectual property rights, and competition policy.

Researchers and policymakers can use the database to conduct comparative analyses of different RTAs and their impact on trade flows and economic development. The database can also be used to identify potential areas of cooperation and collaboration between different regions.

The WTO`s regional trade agreement database is a valuable resource for anyone interested in global trade and economic development. It provides a comprehensive and easy-to-use tool for understanding the complex web of RTAs that exist around the world. Whether you are a researcher, policymaker, or businessperson, the RTA database is an essential tool for staying up-to-date on the latest developments in global trade.

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