Hipertension Pulmonar Chile

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Board Resolution for Authority to Sign Agreement

Publicado el 12/1/2023

When a company needs to enter into a legal agreement or contract, it is important that the proper authority is given to sign such documents. A board resolution is a formal document that authorizes an individual, typically a company officer or director, to sign a specific agreement on behalf of the company. This article will discuss what a board resolution is, why it is important, and how to create one.

What is a board resolution?

A board resolution is a formal document or statement that is passed by the board of directors of a company. It outlines the decisions made by the board and the actions that will be taken as a result. In the case of authorizing an individual to sign an agreement, the board resolution will specifically state who has the authority to sign the document, the purpose of the agreement, and the limitations, if any, on the signing authority.

Why is a board resolution important?

A board resolution is important for several reasons. First and foremost, it ensures that the person signing the agreement has the proper authority to do so. This can help prevent legal disputes and protect the company`s interests. Additionally, a board resolution provides clarity and transparency around the decision-making process. It allows for open discussion and debate among board members and provides a written record of the decision made.

How to create a board resolution?

Creating a board resolution involves several steps. First, the board should review the agreement or contract in question and determine who should be authorized to sign it. This may involve reviewing the company`s bylaws or operating agreement to ensure that the proper procedures are followed.

Next, the board should draft a resolution that outlines the decision to authorize the individual to sign the agreement. The resolution should include the purpose of the agreement, the name of the individual authorized to sign, and any limitations on their authority.

Once the resolution is drafted, it should be presented to the board for discussion and approval. The board will need to vote on the resolution, and if it is approved, it should be signed and kept as part of the company`s records. It is important to note that the board resolution should be filed with the state where the company is incorporated.


In summary, a board resolution is a formal document that authorizes an individual to sign a specific agreement on behalf of a company. It is important for ensuring that the proper authority is given and that the company`s interests are protected. By following the proper procedures and creating a clear and concise board resolution, companies can enter into agreements and contracts with confidence.

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