Hipertension Pulmonar Chile

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An Agreement To End Fighting

Publicado el 8/4/2021

Armenia and Azerbaijan have announced an agreement to end fighting in Azerbaijan`s Nagorno-Karabakh region as part of a pact signed with Russia that calls for the deployment of Russian peacekeepers and territorial concessions. A ceasefire is a formal agreement of the belligerents to end the fighting. This is not necessarily the end of a war, because it can only represent a cessation of hostilities while trying to negotiate a lasting peace. It is derived from the Latin arma, which means “weapons” (as in weapons) and stitium, which means “a stop.” [1] The Armenian Prime Minister says he has signed an agreement with Azerbaijan and Russia to end the fighting in the breakaway Region of Nagorno-Karabakh, Reuters reports. Shortly after the announcement, thousands of people flocked to the main square of the Armenian capital Yerevan to protest the agreement, and many shouted, “We will not abandon our country.” The agreement requires that the road, known as the Lachin Corridor, remain open and protected by Russian peacekeepers. The President of Azerbaijan also confirms that he has signed the agreement, which comes after more than a month of bloody fighting in the region. Under international law, a ceasefire is a legal agreement (often in a document) that puts an end to fighting between the “belligerents” of war or conflict. [2] In the Hague Convention of 1899, in which three treaties were concluded and three declarations were made, the Convention on the Laws and Customs of War in Rural Areas established that “if the duration of the ceasefire is not fixed”, the parties can resume fighting (Article 36) at their convenience, but with correct communications. It is a “fixed-term” ceasefire, where the parties can only renew the fighting at the end of their fixed duration. If the belligerents say (in fact) “this ceasefire puts a complete end to the fighting” without a ceasefire deadline, then the duration of the ceasefire is set in the sense that no resumption of fighting is allowed at any time. Thus, the Korean ceasefire agreement calls for a “ceasefire and ceasefire” and aims to “achieve a ceasefire that guarantees a complete cessation of hostilities and all armed acts in Korea until a definitive peaceful solution is found. [3] Several ceasefires were declared, but were almost immediately injured.

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