Hipertension Pulmonar Chile

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Can Fixed Term Contract Be Terminated

Publicado el 13/8/2022

Fixed-term contracts are often used in the workplace to hire employees for a specific period of time. These contracts are designed to meet the needs of a project, seasonal work, or temporary employment. However, it is not uncommon for employers or employees to wonder if a fixed-term contract can be terminated before the agreed-upon end date.

The answer to this question is dependent on the terms laid out in the contract. If the contract includes provisions for early termination, then the employer or employee can terminate the contract before the end date. However, if the contract does not include provisions for early termination, then the party wishing to terminate the contract may be liable for damages or breach of contract.

Reasons for early termination

There are several reasons why an employer or employee may want to terminate a fixed-term contract before the end date. For employers, it may be due to changes in the business needs, restructuring, or financial constraints. For employees, it may be due to finding another job, health issues, or personal reasons.

Provisions for early termination

To avoid disputes and legal battles, it is important to include provisions for early termination in a fixed-term contract. These provisions should clearly state the conditions under which the contract can be terminated and the notice period required. The notice period should be reasonable and allow both parties enough time to make alternate arrangements.

Breach of contract

If a party terminates a fixed-term contract before the end date without following the provisions for early termination, they may be liable for damages or breach of contract. This can include paying for the remaining duration of the contract or compensating the other party for any losses incurred due to the early termination.


In conclusion, whether a fixed-term contract can be terminated before the end date depends on the terms laid out in the contract. To avoid disputes and legal battles, it is important to include provisions for early termination in the contract. Breach of contract can have serious consequences, making it essential to follow the provisions for early termination if they exist.

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