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Uk Double Tax Agreement with India

Publicado el 21/3/2023

The UK Double Tax Agreement with India: What You Need to Know

If you are a business owner or an individual with income from both the UK and India, you may be aware of the double taxation issue. Double taxation occurs when the same income is taxed in both countries, leading to higher tax liabilities.

However, the UK Double Tax Agreement with India helps to mitigate this issue. The agreement ensures that income is not taxed twice, and any tax paid in one country can be deducted from the tax liability in the other country.

In this article, we will discuss the key points of the UK Double Tax Agreement with India and how it can benefit you as a taxpayer.

Scope of the Agreement

The UK Double Tax Agreement with India applies to several types of taxes, including income tax, corporation tax, and capital gains tax. It covers residents of both countries, including companies, individuals, and partnerships.

The agreement also includes provisions for the exchange of information between the two countries, which helps to combat tax dodging and evasion.

Residency and Taxation

Under the UK Double Tax Agreement with India, a person`s residency status is a crucial factor in determining their tax liabilities.

If you are a resident of the UK, you will be taxed on your worldwide income in the UK. However, if you are a resident of India, you will be taxed on your income from all sources in India.

The agreement provides a set of tie-breaker rules to determine where a person`s residency lies. This helps to prevent double taxation of the same income in both countries.

Tax Credits

If you are a resident of one country and pay tax on the same income in another country, you are entitled to a tax credit. The credit reduces your tax liability in the country where you are a resident.

For example, if you are a UK resident and pay tax on your Indian income in India, you can claim a tax credit on your UK tax return. The credit is usually equal to the tax paid in India or the UK`s equivalent tax rate, whichever is lower.

The tax credit ensures that you do not pay tax twice on the same income, making the double taxation issue less of a concern.


The UK Double Tax Agreement with India is a crucial agreement that helps to prevent double taxation of income between the two countries. It provides rules for determining residency status, tax credits, and provisions for information exchange.

If you have income from both the UK and India, it is essential to understand the agreement`s provisions to avoid paying tax twice on the same income. Consult with a tax professional to ensure that you take advantage of the tax benefits provided by the agreement.

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