Hipertension Pulmonar Chile

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Vistex Agreement Process

Publicado el 14/4/2021

All tabs in the agreements are independent for each application, with the exception of the Rules tab. The Rules tab applies to all extensions. The only exception is additional price sheets that are app-specific, but can be configured to be used in multiple applications. Instead of establishing application-specific agreements, you have the option to create direct agreements. A direct agreement is used to develop a contract directly with the customer/supplier. Direct agreements can be applied directly to the market. The Incentives and Paybacks (IP) module has expanded the concept of an “Order to Cash” procedure and introduced an additional document – IP (Incentive and Payback) and there is no need to include the calculation of rebates, refunds and sales incentives on the billing document. To activate the check sheets, the types of models must be identified as relevant to the fact sheet when setting up price agreements. Check sheets are also configurable for templates and clauses, instead of displaying only tabs and rules configured in order. The saleback contract can be created and managed directly in the workwork, but Vistex`s proven method is to establish a request for agreement and then reserve the requirement to create or modify the agreement. NOTE: The agreement can be incorporated into the SAP condition contract.

In the configuration, attach the type of conditioning contract to the type of contract to store information in the note packaging contract: The agreement is stored in an SAP packaging contract based on the type of conditioning contract awarded to the type of contract in the configuration. The Vistex master requirement combines several price elements for analysis in a single workbench. In a master`s application, “editions” can be created to track changes in rules and reservations. However, if you need the ability to differentiate between offers and offers or to track changes to legally binding documents, you can use a master`s contract established in the Master Agreement Workbench to modify a mastery requirement with complete follow-up. NOTE: The same type of agreement must be configured in the “Extension” area on applications and the source application (extension of). Agreement information can be created in one application and then extended to other applications, so the same chord number can be used in multiple applications.

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